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How We Locate Aquavera Projects

Discover Aquavera's geopolitical anaysis below. We will carefully choose where we decide to install our air-to-water systems (atmospheric water generators) within Africa to best highlight and capitalise on the benefits of our approach. We ensure to partner with local communities that are unreachable for other NGO's that cannot help to the same extent we can. The very first pilot project will be in serving the population of Maka village in Southwestern Cameroon. Please see our Maka Project Page for more details.

We detail our research below.


Understanding the problem

This item focuses on locating areas of Africa which are most in need of atmospheric water generators. This means using public data provided by other organisations as well as information provided by partner organizations and contacts in similar NGOs.

This is a largely economic factor:
- Regions must have the lowest level of corruption
- A high level of economic development 

This entails ensuring that the region is not war-prone but also that it is not dangerous due to local ethnic or religious tensions. It is important that Aquavera finds areas where other, more mainstream solutions are either not possible or not optimal


Taking a traditional approach to identifying at-risk areas
- Talking to similar water NGOs to identify regions where they cannot assist but where Aquavera can. 

For example, Northern and Southern Rwanda, Northern Ghana and most of Senegal are high risk areas.

The least obvious but perhaps the most important; political and economic security is central to our projects being carried out successfully. It relies on having a great understanding of political and environmental risks through data and local knowledge.

- Making use of data and expertise from other organisations to determine lowest risk areas.
- Once potential regions are narrowed down, we conduct field visits to identify local community partners.

For example, Rwanda, Ghana and Senegal have some of the lowest political and security risks in the continent.

Aquavera's projects will be chosen to optimise the benefits of our approach. Below are a few of the implications we focus on:


- Finding regions that can most benefit from air-to-water generators in the short and medium term due to their strong economic pre-condition.

- Helping an area where we can have the most direct impact and change the most lives (for example, by co-locating at a hospital, school or refugee camp).
-We ensure that the authorities are supportive, while also maintaining our independence.
- We find areas with high humidity that allow for the optimum functioning of our AWGs.

Prior to starting any project, we complete a 'Local Viability Checklist' which asks the following:

1) Economic Viability: we conduct due diligence to ensure that there is no cheaper option available or way of using traditional methods
2) Reliable Organisation and Governance Structure: we ensure to partner only with established organisations, 
both in the air-to-water manufacturers we select and our local partners.
3) Technical Knowledge and Accessibility: before starting any project, we ensure to cover all questions, including the Calculated Aggregate Demand for the number of L needed per person
4) Local Demand: we always ensure to collaborate with the local community before any project ensuring a local cultural openness to the project. 
For this, we must ensure that the local community and our local partner has the capacity, ability and desire to manage the systems.   

Our 3 Focus Pillars

First, we identify all the countries that have more than 700,000 people living in rural areas who do not have access to clean water



Then, we focus on the countries with the lowest income per capita


 First, we exclude conflict zones, where we are not equipped to work.

 Then, we exclude countries where levels of corruption are too high to allow for a smooth implementation of our projects 



Local Viability Checklist

Examples of Promising Locations


The mission of the Aquavera Foundation —an international non-profit humanitarian organization—is to provide access to drinkable water to everyone…everywhere on the planet thanks to the donation of an innovative “air-to-water” technology.

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